Awareness & Training

Train-The-Trainer Programme

Awareness & Training

Train-The-Trainer Programme

Our FAS Awareness & Training programme is aimed at community leaders and volunteers that can be trained as facilitators to create awareness and educate their own at–risk communities on the impact of alcohol and substance use during pregnancy and breastfeeding on the fetus or infant, as well as the socio-economic impact on society at large.

Programme Information

We reach the maximum number of community members by training community-based facilitators and task each of them to train a further 500 people from their own community over a 12-month period in the responsible consumption of liquor, and abstinence from alcohol consumption during pregnancy.
  • Number of modules: 3
  • Each module is presented over a full day workshop thus 3 days required to complete all three modules
  • Module 1 covers General FAS Awareness, Module 2 covers Alcohol and Drug Abuse, Module 3 covers Presentation and Facilitation Techniques
  • Groups of 24 Facilitators per 3-day workshop
  • Each facilitator is tasked to train 500 community members each within a 12-month period thus 24 facilitators reach 12000 beneficiaries in total
Facilitators provide bi-monthly feedback on the number of community members that attend their training sessions – this is substantiated by an attendance register and a project control sheet. This assists the organisation to monitor each facilitator’s progress against their 12-month target.