FASfacts cannot overcome the huge challenge of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome in South Africa on its own. We need each and every individual to take our hands so that we as a common team can eradicate this social problem amongst our most vulnerable communities.

Become a FASfacts Friend (FfF)

FASfacts therefore invite each and everyone to take our hands and become a FASfacts Friend (FfF).

What do we expect of a FASfacts Friend?

  • A FfF will equip him/herself with as much as possible FAS-knowledge.
  • A FfF will share this knowledge with as many as possible family, friends and colleagues.
  • A FfF will take note of a monthly FASfacts newsletter which he/she will receive via eMail.
  • A FfF will make a monthly donation of R9,99 or more each month towards FASfacts’ FAS-Prevention campaigns.
  • A FfF will recruit as many as possible other FASfacts Friends.

Become a friend of FASfacts